WAEPA  vs  GEBA  vs FEGLI  vs FegliPLUS

A direct comparison shows that WAEPA, GEBA and FEGLI Option “B” are all group plans with increasing premiums every five years until age 65, when GEBA’s rates remain level but death benefits begin decreasing by up to 50% every five years.

In addition to the increasing rates every five years, a built in problem with WAEPA and GEBA is the decreasing death benefit…..the death benefits drops significantly beginning at age 60 or 65 and continues to decrease every five years.

Healthy federal employees can now consider FegliPLUS , a new approach to individual life insurance.

FegliPLUS  not only locks in guaranteed, low cost premiums for 15, 20 or even 30 years, it now includes substantial lump sum payouts for Critical Illness and Chronic Care including cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, Parkinson’s, organ transplants, ALS, MS, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

These direct comparisons, which include WAEPA’s new 50% Chronic Care rider, illustrate how FegliPLUS can reduce your premiums by 50-80%, guarantee level rates AND level death benefits for 20 years AND include substantial lump sum coverage for Critical Illness and Chronic Care conditions.

WAEPA vs  GEBA  vs  FEGLI  vs FegliPLUS

WAEPA  vs  FegliPLUS Quote Request

FEGLI Option B…..do your homework!


FegliPLUS rates are based on a preferred rate class and could be higher or lower based on your personal profile.

FegliPLUS includes guaranteed level premiums AND death benefits for 20 years

WAEPA rates include their new 50% Chronic Care only rider and double indemnity for accidental death.

Please note WAEPA’s decreasing death benefit beginning at age 60

GEBA rates include a 50% accidental death and dismemberment benefit

Please note GEBA’s decreasing death benefit at age 65

As a convenience to our clients and to verify our comparisons, we’ve provided these direct links to  GEBA and WAEPA

Additional Plans:

 *NEW* Extended Care Insurance – Up to $250,000 for extended care needs including home care AND facility care.

FedAdvantage Disability Insurance


FegliPLUS  is not affiliated with the federal government or OPM